Why going on a gorilla trek in the off-season is preferable

Why going on a gorilla trek in the off-season is preferable

Because Travelers are unable to withstand the rains that make the terrain impassable, many tourists steer clear of going gorilla trekking during the low seasons of March to May and October to November. However, given the low season's numerous benefits, which we list below, we believe that trekking mountain gorillas during the rains is preferable.

There Are Gorilla Permits Available

Planning a gorilla trekking expedition is difficult if a gorilla permit cannot be obtained. To secure your ideal vacation dates, however, you can avoid the back and forth hassle of locating permit availability during the low season. Travelers must schedule all aspects of their trip, including flights and lodging, around the gorilla permit dates during high season. Since hardly few travelers are willing to brave the wet season, low season availability enables you to make a last-minute reservation

The climate is not too bad

Although a lot of tourists may steer clear of East Africa in April and May, downpours there are severe and brief, leaving beautiful light weather for the remainder of the day. Your walk may be hampered by the rain, which often lasts for two hours. But you still have the rest of the day to complete your gorilla trekking adventure in pleasant weather. Additionally, you will miss the scorching dry season heat that makes gorilla trekking unaffordable at higher altitudes. The plains are warm and comfortable for game viewing after the gorilla trek, and the rains replenish the rivers and waterholes with an abundance of water. In the off-season, the environment is lush and verdant, rivers are gushing with water, and young animals play with their parents. Low seasons are ideal for taking pictures of imposing scenery and stunning sunsets. A great time to shoot pictures of imposing clouds in contrast to vibrant mountainous vistas is during the low season gorilla safari.

Seeing More

The ability to see more than during the high season is another benefit of traveling then. Suppose you are traveling in the jungle before or after your gorilla trekking experience, scanning the horizon for locals and other travelers using the same route. The odds of seeing that uncommon monkey or bird are slim because they will likely hide in response to the many unsettling sounds and sights. More unusual animals and birds will come out into the open and be easier to photograph when there are fewer people around and less noise around.

Cheaper Airplanes

Fewer tourists from Europe and America visit the region, which forces airlines to cut airfare costs. You can take advantage of the less expensive flights during the off-season to save travel costs in this day and age where everything appears to be expensive.

Fewer People, More Space

You could enjoy services by yourself if there were no crowds. It's good to occasionally have a piece of heaven all to oneself, right? The benefit of traveling off-peak is having the space and activities to yourself. Compared to the enormous number of people during the peak season, the gorilla trekking visitor centers will appear abandoned. There will be hardly anyone in the safari lodge lounge, allowing you plenty of space to spread your feet out and take in the quiet. You won't feel like you're walking heel to toe while gorilla trekking because there won't be many people around to disrupt your solitude. Fewer visitors also increase the likelihood that you will be able to observe the primates unhindered, allowing you to capture pictures from all angles and establish a connection with your local guide.

Reduced rates for lodging and transportation

While some lodges could close during the shoulder season, those that remain open typically reduce their lodging rates to entice travelers. Additionally, during the wet season, transportation costs are significantly reduced. Service providers load their vans during this time and would rather keep the equipment running for less money than let it corrode. Any travel cost savings can enhance your trip and enable you to participate in gorilla trekking and other activities concurrently.

There Are Nearby Gorillas

Mountain gorillas hunt on the lower slopes close to the buffer zone during the rainy season because there is an abundance of fruit there. It is challenging to locate them during the dry season because they must ascend to a higher altitude where it is colder in order to find their preferred food. You can spot the gorilla family and go lesser distances during the wet season, save you hours of sometimes all-day trekking. Sometimes, particularly in the Buhoma Sector to the north of Bwindi, gorillas enter the camps during the off-peak seasons and thrill visitors.

Personal Services

For those who live in the towns near the gorilla parks, gorilla tourism is a vital resource. Due to the crowds during the busy season, the service frequently suffers in quality. This issue won't arise if you visit East Africa in the off-peak months because the locals are friendlier and provide more personalized treatment to visitors. You have the benefit of receiving individualized attention from service providers, such as your driver, guide, lodgings, and everyone else you pay, when you travel off-peak.

More reliable local connections

Low seasons are also a period when locals take a break from work and are less focused on business, making them more approachable. As a result, it is a good opportunity to talk to locals and gain some insight into their way of life. When they are engaged, this can be difficult during the busiest times of the year.

You Are Less Rushed

Gorilla trekking guides typically lead tourists into the forest at the slowest hiker's speed. In the peak season, everyone hikes at the same speed, whether it be fast or slow. There is a hurry to get the best spot to observe the gorillas during the encounter. Some people may find it tiresome to have to comply with all these requests from other passengers. In the off-season, it's likely that you're the only traveler on the trail, so you have the guide to yourself. You will be able to explore the gorillas at your own pace because the guides will be better able to comprehend you.

Scheduling your gorilla trekking safari during off-peak times

In the off-season, Dav Safaris remains operating and offers top-notch tour operator services. If you're traveling on a tight budget, we can get you great deals on lodging, transportation, and gorilla trekking permits in Uganda and Rwanda. Get a low-cost quote to visit gorillas during the off-seasons by emailing us at info@davsafaris.com